We offer professional-grade streaming services that deliver exactly what you pay for—no hidden limitations, no shared resources. Our dedicated streaming servers ensure you get the full performance and reliability you need for your online radio station, live broadcasts, or podcasts. With SSL streaming included as standard, your streams are not only fast but also secure. With instant setup and seamless integration, you can be online and streaming in just minutes.
How It Works easy as testing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
1. Choose a Plan: Select the plan that best fits your streaming needs.
2. Create Your Account: Sign up with Tux-Support.com and complete your payment.
3. Get Server Info: Receive your server details within minutes of payment.
4. Go Live: Start streaming your content to listeners worldwide in as little as five minutes.
5. Monitor and Grow: Use our analytics tools to track your performance and make informed decisions to grow your audience.
Ready to take your streaming to the next level with SHOUTcast or Icecast? Sign up today and begin broadcasting with Tux-Support.com. Our quick setup, powerful features, and truly dedicated servers make us the ideal choice for your streaming needs.
High-Capacity Streaming Servers for Expanding Needs
Learn more about
Broadcast with SHOUTcast: Unlock the power of audio streaming with SHOUTcast, a robust and scalable solution for broadcasters of all sizes. Perfect for Internet radio stations, our service provides everything you need to reach a global audience. Get started today and amplify your reach!
Optimized Streaming Performance: Elevate your broadcast quality with our Dedicated Servers designed specifically for streaming. Tailored to handle high-volume, continuous media delivery, these servers provide optimal performance, reliability, and scalability. Perfect for serious broadcasters aiming for professional-grade streaming without interruptions. Start streaming at your peak today
Stream with Icecast: Dive into the world of online broadcasting with Icecast, the leading open-source streaming media server that supports multiple formats. Whether you're starting from scratch or expanding your existing radio station, Icecast offers flexible and reliable streaming options to fit your needs.
Give us a call! (877) 788-6220 / (615) 345-6183